Are you a candidate for our Lab Testing / Consulting services?

Would you like to utilize lab testing to see if you are on track with your health and diet and receive appropriate guidance based on the results?

Would you like a qualified opinion regarding which tests are most appropriate for you personal situation and which may be a waste of your money?

Would you like an interpretation of lab testing you’ve previously had performed from the perspective of a veggie / raw friendly clinician / educator?

Do you have any questions about raw food and / or plant-based nutrition?

Are you looking to take your health to the next level?

If you answered yes to one or more questions, it is likely that we are a good match!

Our services provide one-on-one personal guidance for the following issues and more:

  • Lab testing evaluation
  • Weight loss and weight gain
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Lipid profile improvements
  • Juice fasting and cleanse programs
  • General health and well-being improvement
  • Where do you get your xyz?
  • Strategies for implementing a healthy diet and lifestyle in the real world

Although I have 4 years of direct clinical experience with water fasting and can discuss the pros and cons to help decide if it is appropriate for your situation, I do not supervise water fasts over the phone.

What if I’m interested in lab testing?

The first step is to make a payment and schedule the “pre-lab” appointment. This is where we go over your relevant background, discuss your individual goals and needs, and decide which tests performed by which labs are most appropriate for your situation. Clinical relevance, cost, convenience, etc. all go into the decision-making process. I’ll then send you the appropriate forms and / or kits, along with personalized instructions to have your lab testing done.

At that time, you will make a second payment for the lab work itself. If we have not used up all of the 60 minutes in our pre-lab consult, we can allocate the leftover time for the post-lab consult. Otherwise, payment for the post-lab consult can be added to the lab testing fees at the rate of $195 per hour. It typically takes one hour for the pre-lab consult, and one hour for the post-lab consult when there are challenges to address, but for straightforward situations, one hour can cover both the pre- and post-lab consults. One hour is also generally sufficient if you already have lab work you would like me to analyze and explain to you and to help guide you nutritionally.

During the post-lab consult (aka report of findings), we will go over the results and I’ll explain what it all means to you personally so you will have a greater sense of empowerment regarding your personal health profile. You may benefit from my 30+ years of personal experience as a whole plant food enthusiast who eats the majority of their food raw, many years of full time, post-doctoral level formal education, as well as over ten years of clinical experience, and all of the research Dr. Karin Dina, D.C. and I have put into our 100 hours of curriculum in our Science of Raw Food Nutrition and Mastering Raw Food Nutrition classes that hundreds of students have taken in person and online with us since 2006. I’ll also discuss any recommendations for improving health based on the results of the lab work combined with your personal history, health goals, individual preferences, etc. This can be in the form of dietary changes, supplementation, follow up tests, etc. The ultimate goal is to educate and empower you to be in control of your own optimal health!

What if I am not interested in lab testing?

I am more than happy to consult with you for nutritional guidance, answer any questions you may have, or interpret any past lab work that you are interested in having evaluated, as long as you fit the profile at the top of this page. Once again, the ultimate goal is to educate and empower you to be in control of your own optimal health!

To have a consult with me, please click on the link below to make your initial payment and schedule a time. You will be contacted to confirm your consultation time and I will request some additional information to review before your consult.

Please note I am NOT accepting new patients at this time. We are working on a number of projects that need our time and attention. I will resume my consulting service in early 2024.

Thank you very much for your understanding!

Dr. Rick


Please note that we do not offer free consulting. 

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